

About inform in asia

Our dedicated team actively manages our activities in Singapore locally. We remain committed to provide exceptional solutions and services to our clients in this dynamic market. We are passionate about solving complex problems and are dedicated to find the best solution for our clients across Asia in various industries such as aviation, banking & payments, telecommunications, logistics and manufacturing.


Our Asia office is strategically located in Singapore and serves as the regional HQ for Asia.

INFORM Software Pte Ltd
71 Robinson Road #14-01,
Singapore 068895

INFORM spearheads focus on ethical AI with new guidelines

These guidelines underscore our commitment to advancing AI technology with accountability, transparency, and an ethical foundation.

Companies bringing AI systems to market can no longer treat their development as a technical matter. Rather, they must first and foremost face up to their ethical responsibilities when using AI. After all, AI has long since evolved from a mere research topic to one that affects us all. 
Sebastian Zeitler, CEO INFORM ASIA

Solutions for this region

Management Team Singapore

Sebastian Zeitler

Chief Executive Officer

Dr. Andreas Meyer

Chairman of the Advisory Board

References in this Region

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