building materials logistics

the digital jack-of-all-trades for your aggregates logistics

Whatever name you want to give our fully integrated end-to-end logistics solution, we’ll unleash it now. 

This unique combination of 

- Order Taking, 

- Order Processing, 

- AI-Powered Transport Optimization, 

- Order Tracking and 

- Post-Processing 

is based on decades of experience of two software champions in building materials logistics: INFORM and AXIANS.

The result? A best-of-breed solution that offers significant cost and time savings as well as productivity gains:

  • A cut in processing time and effort per order/delivery by up to 70%.
  • An increase in truck productivity by up to 37%.

fully integrated and 

too good 
to be true?

Get your free and non-obligatory 30 minutes online demo session NOW.

It’s free, so what’s your excuse?

Dirk Schlemper

Dirk Schlemper

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