On our website, we offer an extensive selection of downloadable informational materials to meet your needs for quality content and resources. Our information material is regularly updated and carefully reviewed to ensure that it is up-to-date with the latest research and knowledge.
On The Road: To Net-Zero
How can we lower the CO2 footprint of our industry? Follow Karsten Horn as he embarks on the road to net-zero in building materials logistics.
Optimized Cement Hauling
Cement producers try to make best use of their trucks in order to reduce costs and improve productivity. However, truck productivity optimisation does not necessarily lead to a ROI for the producer, as it greatly depends on the way hauliers are paid.
The Rise of the Digital Workforce in Cement Logistics
The shift to data-driven transport planning in cement logistics has turned old and familiar practices on their head. The digital logistics workforce uses tools and processes based on real-time information and automated decision-making.
A Roadtrip to Artificial Intelligence in Cement Logistics
With one foot in its science fiction past and the other in our daily lives, AI is making steady inroads into the logistics workplace. While human-level AI is not yet there, a practical degree of AI can help dispatchers to drive their performance.
Blockchain Technology: A Game Changer in Bulk Logistics
Blockchain is the latest hype-driven technology that seems to be a game changer for businesses and society. Understanding the rules of this technology, however, lags well behind the innovation. Learn the basics.
Haulier Assignment: Making The Right Moves
Similar to chess, assigning trucks to transport orders is a changing matrix with many variables. Managing freight rates and assigning the most cost-efficient haulier can be a daunting task. AI can help dispatchers avoid checkmate from their first move.
Why Dispatcher Trainging Isn't Enough - Part One
Your dispatcher team just returned from the training course where they brushed up their scheduling skills? But back in the corporate grind, they quickly realize that neither the processes nor the legacy IT system support their ambitions.
Why Dispatcher Trainging Isn't Enough - Part Two
Your dispatcher team just returned from the training course where they brushed up their scheduling skills? But back in the corporate grind, they quickly realize that neither the processes nor the legacy IT system support their ambitions.
Born Digital: The New Workforce in Load Carrier Management
Old and familiar practices have been turned on their head by the shift to data-driven management of load carriers. With the rise of new technologies, the digital workforce uses tools and processes based on real-time information and automated decision-making.
Dynamic Pricing: An Option For Cement Logistics?
Dynamic pricing is common practice in many industries. Cement producers, however, still rely on static pricing models with long-term contracts between vendors and buyers. Should producers revisit their static pricing models and switch to dynamic models?
Digital Twins for Packaging & Container Management
Digital twin technology isn't new. Why is everyone talking about it now? How can pooling managers of crates, boxes, containers and other load carriers benefit from using digital twins?
Workforce Management: Are We Using The Right Tools?
Algorithms are a major efficiency driver for the logistics assets of building materials producers. But many lose traction when it comes to manage their human assets. AI can synchronize the competing interest of employee needs and operational objectives.
Better Grip: Optimized Aggregates Sourcing
Algorithms have become a major efficiency driver for outbound transport optimization in ready-mix logistics. But many RMC producers still lose traction when it comes to manage and optimize their inbound aggregates supplies.
RTP- Green but Not Sustainable?
Whether they’re made of plastic, wood, or metal - Returnable Transport Packaging (RTPs) are an integral part of many supply chains and industries, including food and automotive. Learn how to make your pooling operations more sustainable.
LTL Optimization in Building Materials Logistics
From cement bags to drainage coils, from a concrete manhole to a pack of screws, LTL planning is a tough challenge. Being able to take fast turns in transport planning can mean the difference between winning or losing the daily race against the clock.
Machine Learning in Building Materials Logistics
Cement, ready-mix, and aggregates logistics are facing a major overhaul. Traditional tools and processes are being enhanced or replaced by Machine Learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI). Algorithms are challenging long-established practices.
The Simple Maths of Load Carrier Management
Subtracting and adding load carriers or balancing their demand and supply seems to be a simple exercise. But in the daily grind of asset pooling this often turns out to be a complex calculation with various unknowns.
Under The Hood: CO2 Reduction in Cement Logistics
CO2 reduction in the cement industry focuses mainly on production processes. Logistics and transport, however, are also a relevant source of greenhouse gases and air pollutants. Compared to cement production, logistics are a low hanging fruit.
Building AI into your LTL Deliveries
From palletized to stackable and from bagged to bulk – LTL planning in the building materials industry is a tough challenge. Being able to take fast turns can mean the difference between winning or losing the daily race against the clock.
Rivals or Allies? Yard and Road in Cement Logistics
Some cement producers have optimized their yard processes, while others have optimized their transport processes. And the lucky few who have optimized both, in-plant and outbound logistics, hesitate to connect the two worlds.
Top Scorers in Container and Reusable Packaging
The stats don’t lie: Algorithms have proven to be the best passers in pooling operations. But they are also great team players when it comes to progress the game to other software systems along the supply chain, e.g. TMS, YMS, or APS.
The Yard and Road Workshop
From in-plant to outbound, from robots to routing, and from trucking to tracking: Automation in logistics has reached new levels. But despite all the tools and excitement, the question remains: What does it bring to the table?
Pushing the Boundaries of Sustainability
Many building materials producers are on a “moonshot” mission to reduce the carbon footprint of their products. A mission-critical source of greenhouse gases, however, is often neglected: logistics and transport.
AI-Powered Load and Route Planning
For building materials distributors, being able to take fast turns in load and route planning can mean the difference between winning or losing the daily race for competitiveness. Learn how AI can move more payloads with fewer trucks.