Air Cargo

air cargo transport

optimize your air cargo transport on the apron

The smooth planning, surveillance, allocation, and coordination of all tasks and resources involved in air cargo transport can be challenging. Read here how advanced software can help.

Before a cargo carrier can take off on time, many different resources and tasks must be coordinated and carried out. From staff and ground support equipment, to transporting the cargo to the aircraft, there are many variables to manage. Additionally, flight irregularities, adverse weather conditions, staff shortages and other unexpected contingencies must be addressed. 


By using a decision support software solution for driver assignment and tour building, tasks and tours are prioritized by elaborate algorithms. The most frequently required information on driver allocation and task progress is always made available for dispatchers and includes waiting times at control posts captured by telematics.


choose inform´s air cargo software solution:

Smart air cargo software solution considers:

  • Different freight types (e.g., fragile or dangerous goods, perishables, or human remains).
  • Staff members with different qualifications transporting the air freight to the aircraft.
  • Airport locations, distances, and the actual vehicles.
  • Task priorities are calculated based on the underlying rule set, considering criterion such as urgency.
  • Time to Service Level Agreements (SLAs), cargo product, and flight priority.
air cargo transport

ensure more sustainable operations

Advanced task prioritization leads to an optimized utilization of resources with each trip. By digitalizing the transportation dispatching process, more cargo transportation tasks can be handled within the same timeframe.

Through the application of a smart tour optimization, 

a more sustainable operation can be achieved resulting inreduced travel times and related carbon footprint.

The cargo software solution can easily adapt to new cargo on cabin (CIC) regulations and seamlessly integrates with other operational areas such as the Aircraft Loading Department.

use cases

INFORM´s cargo software solution can be used in several ways, for example:

task assignment

Cargo Handling View

Find a short summary of the key benefits and capabilities of INFORM’s Air Cargo Solution in this video:

Using a cargo optimization software solution, the aforementioned factors and rule sets must be considered to calculate the best pick-up times and consequently the drivers´assignments and tour building on the apron. Typically, the dispatching of task assignments is carried out by the software solutions’ optimizer considering customer service level agreements (SLAs). However, it is always possible for the dispatchers to assign tasks manually and overrule the system. 

For example, in case of changing resource requirements on the day of operation such as labor-related shortfalls due to sickness, the allocator can react and better manage unexpected workload. When using tailor-made software solutions for mobile devices, the drivers on the apron receive the required information to start their tasks on their handhelds, which they use to update and continually share their task status.

Cargo GSE Tracking

Cargo GSE Tracking

When loading or unloading an aircraft, the amount of required cargo ground support equipment (GSE) such as dollies, tugs and/or highloaders needs to be allocated at the aircraft parking position. Oftentimes, however, it is unclear if all required cargo GSE is available, which requires time-consuming research. 

INFORM’s solution solves problem by making the status and position of all necessary equipment available. By linking the cargo GSE status to the task assignment, empty equipment can easily be identified, picked up and subsequently utilized.



Previously, most cargo handling operators split their cargo and baggage operation into different departments. With a need to further improve the efficiency, as well as flexibility of dispatchers and drivers, INFORM has improved this process with the development of a smart and combined handling of baggage and cargo.Providing a combined user interface for both operational areas results in a quick, easy to access and better overview of the transportation process. A common driver and equipment pool increases utilization and efficiency of the available workforce.
Cargo and Baggage


Cargo one-pager

cargo one-pager

If you wish further information on how our GroundStar software suite can optimize your air cargo transport, please download our information material.


groundstar demos

Demo clips

Our demo clips provide a glimpse into the functional capabilities of the GroundStar modules based on several specific use-cases.

Sandra Gaviria

Sandra Gaviria

Marketing Manager

Aviation has become one of her great passions since she first got on an airplane at the age of 5. Years later, namely in 2020, that passion led her to a career at INFORM, where she started as Marketing Manager in the Aviation Division. Today, she is responsible for digital projects, particularly those relating to social media.




A selection of some of our customers.

DUS airport